
It actually kind of reminds me of the Atom suit

Do you want Fin Fang Fooms, cuz that's how you get Fin Fang Fooms

She seemed interesting, hope we see more of her

Well hopefully they ask Talbot for some more of that formula. Plus they did retrieve the case, so maybe there are some samples till in there. Not enough for a dose, but enough to analyze and recreate.

" Fitz thinks the big problem wasn’t Aida gaining sentience (despite his not knowing that didn’t actually happen), but rather their inability to keep the secret from Simmons?"

I squealed like a schoolgirl.

Yea when I saw how it controlled Virtual On was the first thing that came to mind

I wept a little when I saw those prices

"I know Jane Doe was supposed to be the knockout, but Patterson was wearing that damn dress."

Gotcha, that's fair then

Good point with the last paragraph. I think having Aida use her Darkhold knowledge to build LMD May is the best explanation, it seems a bit of a jump for Radcliffe's skills. Then again he could have just been playing coy with how far he's gotten

Just recast!

Ahh, thought it was a more direct in-univese reference, like seeing their names or something

So him and his Inhumans are probably chilling with Graviton and Deathlok

I think that was the assumption we were supposed to make, but seeing as how she never truly gained sentience (as far as we know) it wouldn't really make sense for her to be improving herself. So this seems like the next most logical option

I want to know if he got it before or after Ultron

Well there was a scene where we see Aida making a brain, presumably that was May's brain scan so it's possible Aida is the one who did the actual construction of the May LMD.

"-The pronunciation of Vijay annoyed me, but was understandable…. until even the senator was saying it wrong. Even her? Sheesh."

Not to mention the Darkhold is an inherently corrupting influence, so he's not entirely at fault, but he was especially susceptible to its charms

I agree, but there's also a chance that AIDA really did become sentient and is just playing along with Radcliffe to get her hands on the book