
I always thought it was weird how much leeway they gave Radcliffe, considering he was almost gleeful in his conspiring with Hive. He always had a loose grasp of morality so this twist paid that off nicely for me

He was, but for some reason I thought he'd died or something. If not it's weird his name hasn't come up

I'm pretty sure they were completely oblivious to it

Just read an article where the ABC President said the show's chances are good. Fingers crossed

Haha yea it was

I dunno I thought it worked great since, even though she's had training, she's not a combat specialist. It showed her improvement in this area while being somewhat realistic about how much progress she would have actually made.

So you don't watch the show then? Cool.

Perfect user name/comment synergy

It may have been deliberately bad as part of their plan

Heh, "killing it"

"I'm the guy who kills Gordon."

WHAT WAS IT!? I saw someone else mention it and I'm so mad that I missed it

Don't worry, there's no way it's Mace.

Oh SHIELD, I'm sorry for doubting you. That Radcliffe twist was so well executed. It played off the audience's expectations the same way his plan played on the expectations of the rest of SHIELD.

I've always just interpreted it as an offhand term he made up on the spot.

I'm still waiting for the twist that Mike is in on it

It wasn't until halfway through the season where I stopped think "Damn, that's kinda forward" whenever someone suggested going to Home Base

It made me think of a more modern take on "A Boy Named Sue" and songs of that ilk. Shades of "Threw It On The Ground"

That line was straight up poetic. I'm not the hugest Greg fan but he has some great lines. He's a pretty good character in a frustrating way

Woopdie Freakin' Doo!