
"She's not really trying to 'seduce' us, its more like she's trying to horrify us."

That's the beautiful thing about satire. It's practically the embodiment of this website's motto:


I had my own "I'm the villain" revelation a few months ago. Far too relatable

"There’s that epic rap battle (written by Zach Sherwin, who also turned in the top-notch “I Give Good Parent”)"

Because he made a commitment and as a "good person" he's reluctant to break that because it would mean being the bad guy and breaking his word so he's determined to see it through.

Because he "secretly" wants her

I thought it would have been far more efficient to call Heather since A) She lives next door

I really don't want them to write Flash as a super-annoying socially-inept character. Are they going to make him the Zach Galifianakis of the League?

"Dear Kala, “spite” is not the best reason to lose your virginity."

Well said

In the writers' defense, this was always my interpretation

Haha I was totally wondering why she didn't just go hang out with the bus driver

"there have gotta be more of us out there."

*Insert Michael Scott "Thank You!" gif*

It's not pointing those things out that makes Greg unlikable. It's the fucking annoyingly whiny and passive-aggressive way he points them out

"Is side-kissing a thing?"

I agree. It's way too easy and is probably my main annoyance with the show

Actually, main characters don't have to be likable, they just have to be interesting in a way that makes you want to see them succeed. And yes, that usually means making whoever they're up against less likable than them, but it doesn't have to

I'd say Greg was at his usual level of dickishness. And I do hope we get some development for Val. Having the significant other of the object of the main character's affections be a completely horrible person is too easy