
Ironically, she seemed to actually like Rebecca a lot before Rebecca tried to make out with her

"Greg and Heather do an awful lot of judging and staring for people who ostensibly like Rebecca"

More like Software amirite?

Haha that's funny. Before I finished watching this I described it to a friend as Stranger Things meets Room. But now I would say Stranger Things meets Room meets Life of Pi

Killing the sheriff and his wife who he didn't particularly care about is different from killing Prairie, who he (thought he) had developed a connection with.

Ah okay, my world was in shambles for a second

It might have been better to add some lines of dialogue making the connections a bit more clear I suppose

There are apparently more twists. What has been given here is just the setup

Pratt is 11 years older than Lawrence? Never would have guessed that

Haven't seen the movie in a while so the details are hazy, but how so?

"convincing himself that anyone in his position would eventually wake someone up (which may be true)"

Being already married usually doesn't stop them

They certainly are both whiter than the crust of wonder bread

Probably moreso mildly annoying than awful. But I always wonder how hollywood couples cope with that kind of stuff.

I would prefer they all fight to the death on arriving

Holy shit are you saying the TV Show 'Joey' had SEVEN seasons? Or did I parse that sentence wrong?

This comment is oddly phrased. Is that generally not accepted?

"The premise itself is not objectionable..so I disagree with the review. Its what they did with it"

Geez man, obviously it doesn't disadvantage them anywhere nearly as much as it does minorities, but can we at least allow for the possibility that racism can apply to apply to white people too? And this is coming from a black guy.

" with great personalities and senses of humor to match"