
AND that fake ass birth video. I mean, it's like they weren't even trying with that thing

Lol what's with all the YouTuber hate?

Even judging her highly would have technically been racist. It's also natural as fuck to judge based on appearance. Having those thoughts and then immediately checking yourself on them is pretty much the ideal until you can train yourself not to have them (which seems like it would be nearly impossible)

Yup. Humans in large groups are pretty predictable. Who knew?

If this is true, which I'd debate, it's only because of opportunity


So none?

Yea, that seems…like an overcorrection

I feel like there are legit uses for the term race-baiting, but yea, this probably isn't one of them

I'm more inclined to blame the racist-ass passengers than the airline

"This is an old story isn't it? I retell!"

It didn't occur to me to use spoiler tags since most of the comments are openly discussing plot points of the movie, but I'll correct that now. It was inconsiderate of me.

"This is 2016!"

I found him plenty interesting in Rogue One. And I don't know shit about Clone Wars. "Extremist former-rebel with ties to Jyn" was good enough for me

Eh, she spent her life believing her dad surrendered to the empire, then found out he pretty much gave his life for the rebellion and just as they are reunited he dies in her arms.

Agreed. It's not like it's some big intellectual puzzle you have to solve to realize this is basically how it went

Vader is what happens when you have good health insurance.

Not at all. There's a difference between deliberately misleading people for personal gain, and using narrative to help people

Hey, it worked for Inside Out

I understand why you did this. I laughed equally hard at both