
If history should have taught us anything, it is that the universe itself is a troll

That is…really cool!

I still wonder why the term changed. All I know is that the term emoji is of Japanese origin

I laughed too hard at this

Yea I get that. When I saw the review I basically said "well, it's better than nothing"

Ah yea, I see where you're coming from now. I hadn't considered that you hadn't finished it yet.

I'll chalk it up to lingering hurt feelings about being used to get close to Josh

Didn't even know that was a thing, but I suppose so

"“Grah-cefully exeunt… pursued… by a bear.”

Meh, I prefer him being asexual and just straight up annoyed with the amount of time people waste pursuing sex

I understand your disappointment with this review, but there's plenty of interesting discussion happening in this comment section.

Too soon

I partially felt the same way, and I believe that was the point the series was trying to make. It also seemed like a preemptive response to criticisms of the series itself.

I dunno, that seems like a stretch. We don't know exactly what the connection between Hap and the guy was, and the nurse he ratted the guy out to didn't know his identity. Also we don't know how far away Hap's mine was from the hospital where he met up with the guy, or from where he dropped Prairie off. And finally,

I'd count that video as evidence towards her story too, but it's still possible that was all in her head, since she's the only person who ever sees it

That's interesting. I found myself wondering at various points if it might turn out she was making it up, especially once it occurred to me that all the evidence she presented came directly from her own story and none of the kids actually saw it.

As one of the good kids, the whole "the good kids aren't the ones who need you" sentiment does kind of annoy me sometimes. But at the same time there is truth to it.

It was how committed the actors were to the movements that sold me on them

That last bit could work as evidence against her story though. If that was something she told them then even if the rest of her story was real, she had to have made up that part.

I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone compare this to The Life of Pi, which is what immediately came to mind after Alfonso began to doubt her story.