
It goes back to OA's speech about why Homer didn't escape when he was in Cuba. After a while captivity becomes a state of mind rather than (or in addition to) a physical restraint.

No, because no one will reveal this information until we're minutes away from 2018

So does it look to anyone else like Jughead is into Archie? Wasn't that the plot of the parody gritty Archie reboot trailer a few years back?

Colossus in Deadpool is probably their most accurate transition of an X-Men character from comics to screen. And that's including Deadpool himself

Speaking of new powers for Shadowcat, what ever happened to Ultimate Shadowcat aka The Shroud? Did she manage to make her way over to the 616?

I almost skipped the rest of the article to post the exact same comment (but with far more snark) so it's understandable

Butterball played by Clark Duke

No. But thanks a lot for the spoiler

Yea, no thanks.

To be fair, it would take considerable effort for most of us to change it


If I had a dollar for every time I read "they need to get someone who's actually a fan of the show to review it" on this siteā€¦


But "The Daemon" is a much cooler name (that the monster himself would understandably object to. Although I doubt he'd be particularly interested in keeping the name of the creator who abandoned him either.)

I agree that diversity doesn't automatically add to the quality of a particular work. The story should always come first. But diversity gives you opportunities for varied viewpoints, which can in turn lead to a more interesting and nuanced story.

Great to see this gem getting some shine on the AV Club. Probably my favourite game of 2016 and definitely one of my favourites of all time

Okay but which gentleman's D? I mean, specifically

I called that from the moment I saw the first trailer. Although I figured it would be his friends' way of genuinely trying to help him

As a male I can say my life rarely passes the Bechdel test