
I thought a Morningstar was a Lucifer?

Because of the handling of Olicity*

Yea Curtis was so dumb this ep. I'm glad they addressed whether or not his husband knew though, cuz I had been wondering about it. I also liked that Paul didn't fall for the obvious lie.

There's always next year

That…could actually work

Lol I would ask if you're serious, but I've heard crazier stories about them

It's a lesson SHIELD learned pretty early on

He murdered a bunch of them yea. Whenever they refused to change their ways. I don't think we were shown more than a handful though.

Sorry, gonna have to downvote you


Yea as soon as those arrows connected I knew what was up. I felt pretty bad for him too

Worse, she's inherited it

That's pretty much exactly what happened last year when he showed up to the grave

Wally's "Are you kidding me? That was awesome!" in response to Barry asking if he was okay this week was the moment that finally sold me on him

I'll be honest, it being the reporter never crossed my mind. The only female I thought of was Shado

That's just convoluted enough to work!

Interesting way of looking at it. I wonder how many people feel that way. It doesn't really seem tacky to me at all

I agree Guardian is far worse. But his win/loss record is slightly better. By which I mean he has actually experienced a win

Doubt she'd be pissed at that either. Although I can see her first reaction being "who the fuck is this reporter chick? Weren't you getting married??"

Which should be a once in a while thing. I interpreted it as more like "so you're back in the costume again?"