
I mean he and Laurel practicly (and probably literally) fucked on Tommy's still fresh grave, so why not

AoS when through arguably an even bigger jump but the showrunners never changed

Haha yea I thought that was kinda messed up too

5. He's got nothing on Vigilante who managed to escape from being trapped by metal cables he clearly wasn't strong enough to break free of after presumably being blinded by the flashbang he let off inches from his own face, and then vanish

The eye candy? You have interesting tastes

Yea I think in this case it was a good call

Agreed with your first few paragraphs which is why it really annoys me when people go on about how all the recruits suck.

Apparently there's a clip on the CW App that disproves option 3

Have you learned nothing from the last election??

I thought the same thing but it's the yellow tips of the helicopter blades as it crashes

Same structure up until the third act you mean

I wasn't a fan of the cameo. Bats seemed far lamer in SS than he did at any point in BvS. I just think Ayer doesn't know how to handle him.

This. Although I can honestly say the only visual in Suicide Squad I actually found nifty is the way they did Enchantress' first transformation

Watching Suicide Squad made me look back fondly on BvS, if that helps.

I've gotten some good chuckles out of some of them. But it's probably a bad sign that I always get the three channels mixed up

You're one of those people that leaves a ton of meat on the bone aren't you

They'll more than make up for it. CinemaSins more often than not crosses the line from savage to straight up petty (and not in a fun way)

Nah, do you. No one actually cares

There is a beauty in failing

Yea true. Well Stark is already in play so they gotta find a way to make it work, that might be the lesser of two evils. At least he still has his personal finances to worry about. He could be refuse to let Stark help out with that for various reasons. I don't mind Peter having access to high levels of tech, I just