
Yup yup, not the fault of the poster. I just read it a little fast, then I noticed the comma and went "well played, sir"

That's so fucked up. Is there a list of the metas they currently have down there? Let's be real, they've totally forgotten about at least some of them. Until they die of starvation and the ensuing smell reminds them of course. I wonder who gets rid of the bodies.

Ah man that sucks. People keep saying it's fine because the X-Men version was "way better" and I'm just like "No."

The Rockquaman

It's been happening for years at this point so…

Alexandria Daddario is in it so there will be at least two more good things.

So chains, radiators, basements, AND Chicago all still exist in the future?

I don't mind the suit so much as I have no trouble believing Petey could have made something similar if he wasn't operating on such a limited budget. I just don't want it to become a thing where Tony shows up every so often with upgrades that just happen to perfectly counter the villain. It would be cooler if they

Yea that was pretty awesome

Perfect description

Still bummed they didn't include Josh Keaton's Spectacular Spidey

At first I read that as Spidey, T'Challa, Bucky and Sam all becoming reluctant bros

Lmao sounds like a good concept for a webisode.

Ah cool, I can see him fitting in nicely

Now that you mention it I wonder if that works on Cap. Missed opportunity Joss!

Yea but you can't really trust marketing. They also made it look like the Secret Warriors would be together for more than one episode. I guess we'll see

Ah okay, when I first heard the description for this I was a little worried about Tony being responsible for too much of Spidey's tech, since it would downplay the Peter is a genius aspect, but it seems that case scene actually takes place during Civil War so that's reassuring.

Until I read your comment I never realized how much I want to fuck to an orchestral score

I can buy that. Also foreshadowed by the little comments Simmons made about AIDA and the way she was looking at Fitz when he was expressing concern for AIDA after she got shot.

It seems unlikely that Mace would give a former rogue agent that much clearance right off the bat. Even if she did save the day.