
"MCU Quiksilver"

Well if it's more Yo Yo solo stuff you want they've got you covered…

Is Ben Barnes Sizemore?

Same. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though. I was disappointed with last season's midseason finale too but it turned out amazing

They did the May vs May thing in season 2…

The villain in RPM (arguably hands down the best season) was a rogue computer virus created by the same person who invented all the Power Ranger stuff.

"- For May, getting replaced by an LMD is one of the most devastating things that could've happened to her. But for me, it was Tuesday."

Well done!

Coulson to himself: "I wonder if she was this forward with Ward?"

One thing that reassures me about this storyline (other than the insane levels of faith I have in this show) is that AIDA seemed genuinely sad about having to kill that guy, and her caretaking of May seemed genuinely tender and concerned too. Makes it pretty clear she coming from a place of care and not malice.

One of them didn't have much of a choice

Agents of SHIELD: Age of AIDA

Next season I want a Detective-Lance-esque version of Wells, spewing lines like "mobbed up to his eyeballs" and such

Fuck I just remembered this. Was anyone else getting the vibe that they're trying to start up a potential romance between Caitlin and Julian?

Tell that to Barry's mom.

Kadabra used quick attack.

The Whizzer. Crossover time!!

It's okay though cuz this time he's just gonna change the future.

Poor guy still crushing on her

"Flash needs help from another hero and shows up just in time to save them from certain death."