
Wait. Black Siren is locked up in STAR Labs right now??? I thought she went back to her Earth. Are you serious? WTF!?!?

Only the villains are faster

Maybe it's just me but I don't really see the point of telly Iris he saw her be brutally killed. Especially since, as Jay says, futures can change.

I would love that. Caitlin needs to put the brain that helped create Velocity 9 to use making something that can get speedsters drunk. Or maybe that alien rum Kara had a couple episodes ago would work?

You're funny

My thoughts exactly. Totally thought it would end with a cliffhanger of Savitar emerging:

An evil future flash would be a great villain. That's one speedster big bad I could actually get behind

"his visit to five months from now (conveniently timed to season three’s endpoint)"

So was Savitar actually in the stone or was he trapped somewhere else but the stone allowed him to get out?

Don't forget the guy with the arrows!

I thought after the future scene Jay would have revealed that he was working for Savitar all along (or maybe Savatar had possessed him during their fight or something)

"So Emma is fighting Morpheus in that dream battle?"

Imogen is a great word to rhyme with.

After Earth II: Turns Out It Wasn't Earth After All

It probably is Shogun World, but I don't think that sounds particularly better

Ok I will admit that this particular implication flew waaay over my head (like Supergirl herself?). That explains the weirded out look they gave each other right after he said that.

Theresa, who lied to and then sold out her former love interest (and someone she seemed to have genuine feelings for based on those letters she wrote) in an obvious setup simply because the board asked her to? Yea she was a saint

Except somehow Logan ended up being the sympathetic one lol

That horse as bomb thing seems like a stretch. Plus Logan dying in the park makes it far less likely Delos would buy it.