
And I've been waiting for the inevitable Ken Watanabe retweet with the caption "Let them fight."

You can literally see the moment Kanye gave up on saying anything of substance

Except ironically Shia's been spitting far hotter bars lately

I legit just re-downloaded Mass Effect today!

"Can you figure out who today's surprise host of the week is?"

Totally thought Felix was gonna get Ex Machina'd

Ah the good old days, when people didn't get all up in arms about a little throat-slitting

Yea I think so too. Not witnessing her death and no body? 100% alive. It might even be that Bernard snatched her up and has her hiding somehwere safe.

"Will the answers, whatever they may be, turn out satisfying enough to knit together ten episodes worth of hints, insinuations, and opacity?"

Kanye turned into the Black Trump so gradually I barely-

"I’m not convinced he would actually know whom Nick was, but it’s a fun performance nonetheless."

"I’m not convinced he would actually know whom Nick was, but it’s a fun performance nonetheless."

You can't fool me, it was obviously the Disney's Flash Forward Con.

Woo! Make mine Marve-

Seriously, is reading comprehension that difficult?

Why's he blaming the cast?

They took a trip to 20xx and borrowed some from good ole Doctor Ford

Constantine Season 1 is currently streaming on the CW Seed app, so there might be something on the horizon…

But she was with Oliver after Nyssa as well. I guess her sexuality is: Girls …and Oliver

After her initial horror at the idea, in later appearances she hasn't seemed particularly upset about it.