
Eh, Lennon's right. I already past the whole phase of "Lennon was the REALEST, maaan" and I appreciate Paul McCartney equally if not more, in many cases.

I'm surprised by the all of the vitriol aimed at Assange in this comments section.  I haven't seen the movie but regardless of what you think of him, people can't argue that Hollywood movies "based on real events" play fast and loose with the facts to say the least.  For someone in his position, I can totally

In response to all this, I don't want to disrespect Marah, as she claims above to be genuine. The truth is, I have to spend a lot of time on the Internet for work and I'm pretty sick of being bombarded by everything from pop culture publications to "news" sites, wringing every last bit dreck out of anything involving

"Bangerz just might legitimize the former child star."

This is typical clickbait like everything surrounding Miley Cyrus these days and the fact that AV Club decided to not only review this but somehow give it a positive review is embarrassing.

does anyone here dislike todd van der werff's writing?  i think that it is consistently terrible.  this article is completely incoherent, as is pretty much everything that he writes.  i don't understand how he gets so much work.  it sounds like the blathering of a high school freshman philosophy major who has only