
Blueprint 3
I love how nobody even attempted to justify putting this Turd in their list. A few years from now, many will relisten to BP3, then punch themselves in the face for pretending to like it.

Now and forever…
…Avatar will officially be known to me as Dances With Smurfs. Tremendous episode.

Cosign that. Good not great. Worth a watch.

Auto Tune is dead, except for the 90% of this album…
Um, not sure how this shit is a "rock-solid third entry in the Blueprint series" and Eminem's latest is a shit sandwich according to Rabin. "Forever Young" is the worst song in the history of hip-hop, way to not mention that.

Fair point. That was a bit reactionary. The album is a lot better than it should be, way better than Encore. He delivers another catchy, fun rap record. The punchlines, the name drops, the violence. It's like going to a Michael Bay movie and complaining about all the fucking explosions. You know what you're signing up

Enlighten me…

Shorter Version of this review..
Eminem's new album is full of all the things people have come to expect from Eminem, which pisses me off. I heard that he was on drugs and went to rehab, how dare he use that experience to fodder his rhymes! What a hack! I don't want Dr. Dre to beat me up, so I'll say his production

Slow yo roll…
How We Operate was ass and balls. Their 1st two albums ruled it, so count me in that empty category of people happy the old Gomez is back. Apparently Chris favors Grey's Anatomy backing tracks to the fuzzed out blues of Bring It On. To quote the big homie, Chris, you should know what the f you're