Much loved character from canc

Unfair comparison.
Cancer cells want to reproduce.

They belong in a museum!

Well, good news then!

so what you are saying is, Walter White didn't actually die violently but instead spent the rest of his days as a blacksmith in the old west?

Of course not.

Bob Gale has said that originally the idea was that Marty hung around Doc because Doc would buy kids beer, but Gale is glad that didn't make it into the script because in retrospect that is really creepy.

You know Bagu?
Then I can help you


I'd normally agree with you. But it's Chris Brown. Fuck Chris Brown.

I just wonder what Ganon's up to!

Growing up, my brother taped every last episode of "Ancient Mysteries." Of course when I say "taped," I mean actual VHS.

Yeah, I really like the sword movement in 2. Personally I don't think the world needs another 2D game — we got enough of them back in the day and "retro" is sometimes just another word for "budget title." But for the classic ones, Zelda 2 holds its own.

If America can't stay mad at R.Kelly, I don't see why everyone is surprised that Chris Brown got forgiven. Cosby's mistake was apparently being a comedian instead of a singer.

If it's a legitimate hate, the fanbase has ways to try to shut that whole thing down

As awful as the cartoon was, the eternal silence is punishment for the cd-i games.

Zelda is played by Anne Robinson

Polite Fight: Which is more annoying? Animated Link's "well excuuuuuse me, princess!" or Navi's "Hey! Listen!"?

It's not very Zelda. It's one of my favorite NES games, but I don't include it on "favorite zelda" lists because it is so different.

This, btw, makes the rest of the cast of The Outsiders the alien disciples. Except for Tom Cruise. He's Xenu.

What you aren't picking up on is that @avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus is Matt Dillon.

Yeah, new episodes are still regularly in the top ten of the night. (for cable)