Much loved character from canc

I'd say Ocarina is best with LTTP second, wind waker third and MM fourth. Ocarina has the best story, perfect puzzles, fun soundtrack, and memorable battles. It's all subjective. The one I've actually played the most times is Zelda 2, but that's because beating it without dying even once is an elusive

With H2 becoming Viceland, History Channel is at a crossroads. It's been trying to be three channels: a reality network, a conspiracy network, and a "historical drama" network. Spread across two channels, it had plenty of room for all different types of shows to be broadcast and re-broadcast ad nauseum. When H2

Also, now we just need Jesse writing an article about why Zelda 2 doesn't deserve our hatred. (Because it really doesn't!)

This is a good article and pretty much the investigation into the characters that I've been hoping this week would provide. Bravo.

What? Who told you Ocarina wasn't great? It's the best game in the series.

If I were the overly sentimental type, the image of a little boy with his mother and the text "I am very, very proud of you" would make me tear up every time I see it and make me wish AVC would show something snarky or disgusting instead — like maybe a boy eating spaghetti in a bathtub.

There is only one Lord of the Rings, and he does not share ticket sales.

an eight year old Elijah Wood is allowed to wander the streets of Hill Valley unattended. That town is full of irresponsible people.

The one conceit I do like is the fan theory that in Bttf2, Marty gets killed by Biff on the roof and again in the tunnel, and in both instances Doc goes back in time to save him. That's why he's at exactly the right place in both instances.

More creative use of footage than most mash-ups, internet.

or they want to play them but just can't find them!


On the field I remember you were incredible
Hey shut up, hey shut up, yeah

Truth told, you can skip Oblivion. Anything it does, either Morrowind or Skyrim does better.

My dad did. He had a pager too. No, he wasn't a drug dealer. He was a doctor.

We get this but not coverage of Omarosa talking about boobs on Fox News?

I stuck around long enough to get my coffee, so I consider it a win!

Thanks. I appreciate that. I think the reason I wasn't more confrontational is because I have both anger and anxiety issues, so I tend not to trust my interpretation of situations in the moment. This was a case where I think my initial perceptions were right, but there have been enough times in the past where I

WARNING: The following content is not sexy.

parents are for weaklings. Real men love their cars in the present and their dogs in past tense and nothing else.