Much loved character from canc

It's actually on "Miscellaneous T" not "Factory Showroom" (unless there's another one). Good stuff.

read his comment history if you wanna go for bonus points. He was here yesterday with the same material, and in the meantime he's littered the internet with turds, all while forgetting to put his comment history on private. Novice trolling. Not worth the time to even play with.

If there's one thing I learned from Stephen King, it's that fighting while naked is very impressive to old gunslingers.

Wednesday, and we're only on Link's clothes? When do we get to the gender politics?

Good for you. My brother's mildly autistic, and my parents response to that was to never discipline him at all. In fact, my mother believes that she cured him of his autism by not forcing him to conform to society's ideas of what was acceptable. Meaning she let him treat people however he wanted and she never told

I'm afraid to say that a lot of 1990s music influenced my idea of what love was supposed to be, and much of it was not good. I specifically remember listening to "Walking after You" by the Foo Fighters and finally realizing after a big break up how creepy it is.

Rome was a documentary, and the events happened in real time.


If all you needed to get over autism was people not putting up with your bullshit, you aren't/weren't autistic. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

Dear Savage Puddle,

How do you quantify your self worth? Am I moving toward being the kind of person I want to be, or away from it? And if I am moving away from what I want, why?

Not worried. I lived through the GWB administration. The rest of this century is just mop-up.

— Ernest Hemingway writes the shortest adult sex story of all time.

definitely relieved. I do remember though that when I was a kid in the 1980s, when I figured out that I was going to be alive in the 21st century I got really scared because in the movies the 21st century is when the aliens invade, robots take over, etc.

if someone doesn't like you, gracefully move on and don't try and force them into liking you.

My printer will randomly run a cleaning cycle in the middle of the night. I wake up thinking someone is faxing me. Then I remember it's not the 1980s.

Sherman Alexie is awesome. That is all.


"actually Lois when we sleep together, it's kind of zoophilia."

The "that" refers to the feeling and realization of never being safe. If I say "watching Titanic reminds me how awful it would be to drown," I'm not saying watching Titanic equals death.