Much loved character from canc

this sophomoric tripe reads like a poor ethics 101 essay.

The idiocy of the time we live in is that people not only have poor reading comprehension . . . they flaunt it.

The amount of time that the series covers is consistent, the year(s) it takes place in are not. Some people try to squish it into one specific set of years, but then they have to acknowledge anachronisms and inconsistencies. Such things include mentioning the death of Bin Laden, the release of the video game

both shows are very careful to keep the chronology and period details exactly right.

It would rile up the fans while amusing everyone else.

What? Such an act would be most uncomfortable for both of us! Where did you learn such language?

That's what is wrong with this country. Too muchcollecting trash and building things, not enough shooting people.

I love FO4, but yeah Skyrim is the crown jewel of Bethesda games at this point.

These are mostly white

Regardless of your view of whatever the hell you think an SJW is, representation is an interesting topic. Even MRAs think it's interesting to examine, even if they don't agree with the mainstream conclusions.

welcome aboard!

too excited. You're outta here.

You found it, pal.

Spiro Agnew inhabits that body, but sometimes the host personality returns and makes interesting points. It's kind of like having Two-face participate in these threads, except I'm pretty sure Two-face is actually here too.

the internet has made us all very lazy. Even the news sometimes seems like its just content to read twitter to us instead of walk outside and find someone doing something.

No, no, no. You got it all wrong. The internet is telling you that you shouldn't be offended. But now you know there are people who are offended, so your original apathy is now (congratulations) a political statement!

—headline for Zach's next review of The Walking Dead.

Let's not bicker about who killed who!

and ironically it was a message to the camera-man. The dancers were shy.