Much loved character from canc

berets. They're just tacky.

The rebels at Masada were terrorists, but Israel embraces them.
Pirates were . . . pirates. But localities where they existed now pretty much celebrate them.
The White House was built using slave labor, but we still laud it as a symbol of our nation.
Thomas Jefferson, etc.

The point is just because it isn't worth it to you doesn't mean it's a rip-off for everyone.

Alright! Closure!

and a jet!

Fine, I just don't understand why you would put 100 hours into something you weren't enjoying just so that you'd be able to judge it. You don't know it's perfectly acceptable to just not have a strong opinion, right?

booo. Downvoted and flagged.

What's so great about the maine? I don't remember.

but buy the season pass before march.

That computer/tablet/etc you are looking at right now? You got ripped off. If you'd only waited five years you could buy it for half as much.

More law enforcement.

I put 100 hours into that shit
So, what you're telling us is that you aren't a fast learner.

You really want a robot for a friend?

I've got the perfect title for the after-show:

I'd think if they drink the whole bottle, they should get to keep the bottle. Also it should be free, like one of those 72 oz steaks.

come on people, it's editing and production. She doesn't magically connect with every listener . . . they pick very carefully who she talks to.

They call in because they already feel a connection to her in their delusional minds. Then the call screeners weed out the trolls and anyone who doesn't fit. Finally, the calls on that show are not broadcast live. They are quick-edited or just deleted so it seems like she makes a good connection with every

She is like Dr. Phil in that she gives vague platitudes as advice so everyone goes away sure that she agrees with them, thus making themselves feel smart.

What? 2 Broke Girls is awful and TVDW's not exactly a fan.

hey man, if his take away is that he shouldn't ask women out, I say let him think that.