Much loved character from canc

It's important because he's going in now to be himself rather than to lie to himself. Now he's gonna be true to himself and lie to everyone else. Which means same action but different motivation and different intended result.

It looked to me like they didn't find anything and the point of the scene is that he had been robbed of all the pills.

It's fictitious. It's the same fictitious brand that was used in a Breaking Bad episode. According to the wikia, "It was created after attempts to find a product placement fell through
after being told that the scene contained people dropping dead minutes
after drinking their placed product."

I should've guessed. Just glad it wasn't anything recent. Anachronisms make my eyes twitch.

I bet the recoil on those things is a bitch.

what Thievery corporation song was it? I didn't notice it.

Chris Hardwick is amazing. I didn't think it was possible to put Vince Gilligan, Bob Odenkirk, and Peter Gould on screen together and have the result be an utterly unnecessary hour of television. Hardwick is just really that good at sucking life out of anything he is involved in.


Especially how good he is with aim and control despite having no training with it.

The social media world always loves it when they spend their special effects budget. They just want a fireworks show. Which is fine, nothing wrong with that at all. But you remove the production value and you find that the underlying storytelling is not stellar. Again, some people don't care about that and that's


no, I did not.

Tragedy is a representation of an action that is of a certain magnitude: it represents men in action and through pity and fear it effects relief to these and similar emotions. Since the representation is performed by living persons, it follows at once that one essential part of a tragedy is the spectacular effect.

Jesus Christ man do you have anything positive to say at all? What's the
fucking point of reading this review if you dislike it so much? Try getting
someone that has a little joy in their life to write a comment please.

That's . . . interesting that you would have sympathy for Sam and Jessie's responses, but not for Ron. I don't think either were written particularly well, but to the extent they were consistent I think Ron was doing his best in an impossible situation. There are lots of teens who would not be able to see past the

It's true, I am a dick man.

What do you call people who can't tell the difference between real life and fiction?

It's a show, man.

no, they showed him saying mom again. What they could've made clearer is that it seems like right as he was saying that is when Capt. Janeway was unloading a clip in the hallway. So that would've been a louder sound that would've given them cover. Plus its not like a kid saying "mom" sounds all that different from