Much loved character from canc

hey man, if you don't like his comment, don't read it.

Somehow, I don't get the feeling ElDan is much of a Zelda fan.

"Scotty VD" sounds like something you get treated for after a night out in Glasgow.

Oh Glenn has obviously played through the whole storyline before. Or at least he's got gamefaqs open.

I just know that if the zombie apocalypse ever really does happen, I'm going to want to be with the people who played strategy games instead of Royal Rumble.

It's been long suspected that the major characters get to use cheat codes during the big episodes.

Hey kid, I've got a sword for you in my cave.

I'ts time for another edition of GOOD IDEA. BAD IDEA.

A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Twilight Princess

Gameological has gotten left out of other weeks. So what that there is one that is primarily video game based? I'm sure if it bothers you that much you can ask for a refund.

It's dangerous to go alone.

Watched "The Fox and the Hound" for the first time in several years. It's like "Brokeback Mountain," only with (slightly more) animals.

I disagree with abolishing the senate completely. I think having a body that is tasked with having a longer perspective is useful. I do agree that having the seats be divided more proportionally would make sense.

Well, the small states never would've agreed to the constitution if not for the guaranteed equal rep. in the senate. I agree it's got major drawbacks, but like the ACA its better than holding out for an ideal plan that would never get passed.

I'm disappointed in you, horse.

demonstrated a lot of the time that his personal opinion didn't reflect what he thought was constitutionally prescribed

He was a shitty Supreme Court Justice, top to bottom. But, he was an extremely talented Justice

You had more respect for him than I did. As someone over on the avocado pointed out, his gleeful briefs only served to highlight how little he cared for the people who were affected by his rulings. And the only thing he was good at was intellectual gymnastics. his assumptions and conclusions were the domain of the

I would've said "like a pubic hair on a can of cola," but your's probably makes more sense.

well you know what they say about the biggest homophobes being the closet cases. He might be into that.