Much loved character from canc

people with better navigational skills are drawn to those games

Man, these comments get unwieldy after a few hundred. I know this isn't a forum, but anyway we could divide these at all? Maybe a console threat and a computer thread?

I imagine the myriads of people and groups named Isis can relate.

You screen-name is an anagram of "Chained Ostrich Raped Hitler"

This comment bores me. I'm not usually self-centered enough to think people care about whether or not I'm bored, but I'm following your lead.

You've not read much then. Especially when it comes to literary theory.

Angel needs to find someone his own age.

AV Club x Buzzfeed = OTP

What do you mean it was off-screen? Did you watch seasons 7 and 8?

Plus I find the writing of women on the show to be very problematic for this day and age.

DC wikia says you are right. I think its weird that Batman Beyond is apparently mainstream canon now. I love Batman Beyond, but not a big fan of future events being so firmly set. But its not like anything really stays locked down for long these days anyways. He might be poofed away by this summer for all we know.

I'm going to add to the the Daredevil chorus, but for a slightly different reason: I really like Batman, and Daredevil feels a lot like what a good Batman show would be.

I've read some GA. I get it and it's not bad, but moves too slowly while at the same time feels rushed. I know that sounds funny, but it feels like it jumps over potential moments of verisimilitude in an effort to get to a plot point that is ultimately rather bland. I like the art style and the idea.

huh. When these things move from light-hearted musings to contentious bickering is when I stop paying attention, so that's probably why I haven't noticed it.

Eve and Lilith


honestly, anyone who knows anything about british boarding schools knows there's all sorts of boinking going around. Even CS Lewis doesn't deny it.

Way back before the LOTR movies, there used to be a website called "save frodo" or something (I can't find it now) that was entirely made of stories about Frodo deciding to not go to the grey havens because he was in love with Sam.

I imagine it's similar to Old Toby.