Much loved character from canc

the great thing about shipping wars and fandoms in general is they are entirely avoidable. You don't have to log-in to tumblr to watch the actual show.

oh nevermind. I thought you said "Metatron."

authorial intent is for children and slaves. If you don't want me mutilating your work, don't show it to me.

Xander/The Master

monkey puppy baby?

I recommended your "awful kids food kits" blog entry for GJI. Which you can take as either an insult or a compliment, since everything in that column ends up getting torn apart. But I thought it was a hoot.

I ship Disqus x Competent Coding. A man can dream . . .

I agree, shipping should involve more binding.

We can do commercials?

Tweek x Craig

I like you a lot , but there is no way I'm clicking any link that follows the phrase " prepuberty boy with a dog"

Gems don't have sexual organs.

but these are mostly people who have been canonically involved. Am I misunderstanding shipping?

for once
Men are a lot more likely to be allowed to exist with no romantic interests than women. Men in any franchise are allowed to just have friends, but every woman sooner or later is expected to hook up with someone. Do you really mean "for once" or "ever?"

I'm confused. Is it still shipping if the show actually went there?

at the very least, he is the voice of God.

I think he's the new regular taste test guy. I like him, his writing style is sort of shy yet eager and convinced he's very brave. Like a tiger cub.

whatever happened to that little paperclip?

Peter Jackson doesn't decide these things.

that's haaaaard