Much loved character from canc

What's wrong with Star Wars being gay?

Doctor Who wasn't exactly spot on when they tried to depict Truth or Consequences, NM

Tolkien actually said it was Sarehole. But I think he may find the region run by Sharkey now.

curse them all for trying to market a cartoon to young people!

While I'm not going to say for sure this is not happening, they've been saying the same thing about television for decades now, and I'm pretty sure more people have a TV than an iPhone.

Where's The Shire?

Let's dispel with this fiction that Alex Trebek doesn't know what he's doing.

he's good at it so a bigger audience is always nice. Personally every time I go to reddit I end up feeling like my computer needs a bath.

Well now you got me curious.

Wait, Jay S posts those on reddit too? I thought WOT was special =(

I'll be in my TARDIS . . .

I just figured the Doctor traveled with servants. He is a timelord after all.

since @dreth1:disqus willed it so!

If there's even a one percent chance that an undocumented alien means us harm, we have to declare war.

I batman my family.

I thought it looked a lot like the Watchmen trailers, but I didn't mind because with Watchmen Snyder took a brilliant piece of subversion and turned it into massive pulp, but Batman vs. Superman stories are supposed to be pulpy.

white millionaire males are disposable in our society.

It looks like DC might be finally learning to have fun with its movies, even if smiling is still frowned on.

Tentative upvote because I think medication does more good than harm. I don't think it has to be either batshit crazy or dead inside. A lot of people can find a happy balance. I am estatic when I am off my medication, but long term I am more satisfied as a person when I am on it. Because I enjoy knowing that I'm

there is nothing stopping you from going out, getting some cash, and publishing your own newspaper that takes the world by storm.