Much loved character from canc

Did you also think Claire Danes was Olivia Hussey's daughter?

I could really go for some kind of military dictator, like Juan Perón. When he 'disappeared' you, you stayed 'disappeared'!

This entire article is based on the idea that the only thing that matters in a piece is plot, which is everything that is wrong with media today.

It's an anagram that also explains their Nielsen ratings strategy:

Oh, God, I've never been so happy to be beaten up by a woman!

I went looking for that tweet, didn't find it but did find out about a pretty restrictive bill that my state is trying to pass that I'm surprised I didn't know about. So I'm glad I looked.

There are works I enjoy, but you aren't objectively wrong.

Poor guy is obviously confused. Doesn't sound like there's much you can do about it anyway. It sucks to think of isolated people becoming more isolated, but obviously it's not your job to singlehandedly keep him from making bad decisions. I knew someone in college who decided I was his entire social circle.

Can the terminator be chased through time by a hunk who cares for no rules but his own and a boy genius who always saves the day?

Not my favorite, but definitely my favorite of the entries lacking Linda Hamilton.

3 ahead of Genisys, huh? It's like trying to sort garbage into the right containers, but I'd give the edge to Genisys for at least trying to have some fun.

Chris Hayes saying "Bernie Sandwiches" is the most adorable thing ever.

Well, it'd be kind of dumb to wait until after we had our nominees to hold the primary debates.

Didn't Donald Trump say he could shoot a man and his supporters would still vote for him? Hey, if only Nixon could go to China . . .

Or maybe Jim Webb, because why not

The Lewis retelling eventually became "Till We Have Faces," largely considered to be Lewis's most sophisticated work and the one most unlikely to be read by people who call themselves CS Lewis fans.

That show is still on

Interesting. The trousers conceal a tiny secondary horn.

Return The Return Of The King

Alternate Caption:
Dark Lord has best teeth in Britain.