Much loved character from canc


[Bryan Fuller] is adapting [Star Trek] as a [internet show]

That's swell, Scout, but Tom is sitting in the middle of a prison cell!

love doesn't really exist either, so it's a good match.

No way to be sure, but all that stuff in the same letter, I'm thinking sounds like someone taking a piss.

Yeah, um, apparently someone did.

As @cigarette:disqus just pointed out, there are also people recounting their lack of fucking!

People who don't feel any sexual attraction shouldn't be made to feel less than human about it.

From the WOT column for Jan. 14 :

Don't tell Tad Devine. His work on that campaign was the beginning of a long career full of winning candidates as far as he knows.

Gene has issues.

what inanimate objects are thinking when people get freaky with them:
"i have no mouth and i must scream!"

Christians love for Jesus? Edgy, but I think it fits.

why not just masturbate?

the BDSM, the college setting, the "trigger" language . . . it could be real, but it also sounds a lot like the kind of thing written by a guy who watches south park but doesn't understand it.

$6 a month. Or you could always wait until they are all available and binge them during the free trial.

Makes sense I suppose. But if queer no longer means disruptive to the system, I'll go back to just calling myself weird.

Great Job Internet = Jeering Tot Banter

It's contentious.

That's a well-made pair of jeans.