Much loved character from canc

coffee out the nose

Not that you asked, but for TOS anything by Diane Duane is worth reading, and if you like DS9 at all "A Stitch in Time" is a must.

I . . . I didn't want to know any of that.

Red Lobster sucks. Especially their lobster.

through it? Like . . . sounding?

kind of the opposite:

I took her to the Garden where

DC Talk didn't get nearly this much attention when they rapped about The Olive Garden

I once tried to make "Roman Cheesecake." I don't know if I messed it up, but it ended up tasting exactly like cheddar biscuits. I didn't mind.

For $6 a month, yeah I'll consider it for the months when new episodes are coming out weekly. Probably not for episode one though. If it gets good buzz, I'll check it out.

"The next generation" was a popular phrase following roots. It was kind of the "reloaded!" of the day. Computers and video games already used the phrase in marketing. So it was most likely an indirect inheritance.

Season 2 is the worst, every thing after is better. But sometimes only marginally so.

Fuller should actually named the commanding officer "Captain Mary Sue." Just to mess with everyone.

I finally understand why they put the captain in the middle of the bridge, but then have everyone else facing away from him.

Not enough shipping lanes.

Different strokes. I watched every episode out of loyalty, but honestly season 4 was the only time I wasn't bored.

Also it's really boring.

see, that concerns me because it makes Star Trek sound like 60's batman. At the time, Star Trek was not considered especially "fun." Yes it had comedy, but it was the most serious sci-fi show of its day. It only looks campy in retrospect, so going for "fun and colors" is really not true to the original spirit.

I'm learning my opinion is in the minority. That's ok. I share the excitement because I really do like every other thing he's ever done.

Ridiculously, the best VOY episodes are always the ones where you find out at the end that everyone in it was a duplicate.