Much loved character from canc

Yeah, "The Wounded" is where it is established. I liked how Empok Nor built on that.

Two words: Joran Dax.

His quotes are unnerving to me too. But unless I miss where he said it again, all those quotes are from 7 years ago. So who knows.

Density in

The one thing I did like about Empok Nor is the focus on O'Brien's cardassian war experience, which had been previously established but hardly ever referenced.

Barge of the Dead is RDM and Fuller. Should have been awesome. But I found it dull and woo.

Look at the episodes he wrote. It's mostly BOOOO. The optimism people are showing I guess is based on the idea that he does everything else so well, he'll get Star Trek right this time?

oooh. The guy who wrote the famous Voyager holodeck episode "Spirit Folk!" Alright!

No Gilmore Girls.

Fuller is good, but as far as Star Trek goes wasn't he primarily a Voyager guy?

As far as anyone knows, I find this horrible and have no desire to watch it.

There's no wrong colors.
But logic puzzles? Yeah, you can totally fuck those up.

Psychedelic? That's an awfully big word for a . . .

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can get laid?”


And thread that camel through the eye of a needle!

and stuff it in a deep-fried turkey.

That last paragraph could pretty much apply to every item on the taco bell menu.

of course not!
