Much loved character from canc

Dada movement, WWI, paintings by Picasso . . . what's up with all these things turning 100? In my day, they were seventy or eighty years old tops! 100 years was reserved for really old things. It's just disrespectful.


very good, sir. well played.

Isn't Brad Jones what that lady on the insurance commercial named her car?

The real question is:
Tidewater Tides or Norfolk Tides?

nice try, NARC!

For our consideration: as opposed to same-sex or homosexual, the term "queer" inherently refers to being at odds with the status-quo and subversive. Therefore, we are approaching a time in which a thing can be homosexual positive but not queer. While that is a good thing in that when that time comes it will mean

People need to stop treating Calvin and Hobbes like its drawing Mohammad. These are cute and respectful.

Ok, but how do they explain that no . . . movies have really not gotten scarier? The Exorcist still freaks out new generations.

VB needs an ongoing comic book series complete line-up of titles.

but when you put his brain in the body of a great white shark, ooh, suddenly you've gone too far.

Only the second-most evil person to wear that sweater.

Don't make a mountain out of a Churchill.

Hitler just needs someone to believe in him.

so this is why they were hunting him?

kind of like the muppets

The ship wants what the ship wants.

Wait, I thought John Milton posited that Lucifer was Han Solo.

True Pairings:

Cordelia/Doyle forever!