
Best: World Leader Pretend (Runner Up: Carnival of Sorts)

Up isn't the best, or even in the top 8, but I'd encourage you to try re-sequencing it, and dropping a song or two, which makes it a much stronger album. I've heard of a few different ways to do it, but here's the one I think's the most successful:

Mr. Nabin, my compliments
Just wanted to say I really enjoyed that article — I thought you did a tremendous job of capturing in words the ethreality of the album. Great piece, and easily in my top-5 Nabin works of all time.

Prince: Sometimes it Snows in April
Add this to the whole: just broke up posts. Sure, it's about the death of a friend, but tell me you can't be crushed by the "Only cry for love, never cry for pain" line and ruined by the "all good things they say, never last" lyrics. Nastiness.

I agree with the Gorilla:

I don't know about forgetting Neutral Milk Hotel, but, yes, few are more awesome than Beulah.

Right on.

Wow — good call on "Strict Time", Disco. I think it was mentioned previously, but I'm a big fan of the one-two punch of "Poor Napoleon" and "Next Time 'Round" from Blood & Chocolate

Lexicon Devil — you are SO very right on about "Say No Go" … ridiculously good. Might be the best one I've seen mentioned thus far…

I totally concur with Mr. Oak. for TMBG, "It's Not My Birthday" and I'll even throw in "In the Nightgown of the Sullen Moon" in there to up the ante.

Go West
This is the one that hooked me — courtesy of Bill Frissel's inspired album/soundtrack to accompany the film.

What about Karen Duffy? She was also a bit of eye candy, as I recall …

Once in a Lifetime
Hi all — I'm waaay late to this party, but if it hasn't been mentioned, a case could be made for the Talking Heads' 'Once in a Lifetime.'


Giareata, that's the funniest damn thing I've read all week by a long shot. Thanks for the giggles.

Don't know about all of yous, but I like my summers hot and sticky — fire up Exile on Main Street and start pouring the whisky…I mean goddamn!

Great stuff, y'all.

What about Jenny's 867-5309?

@hatin: Those high falutin' Europeans have a tracked Lovesexy. Went I went over there for the first time, it was one of the few things I actually sought out, besides the food and high art. I think you might be able to order a copy though amazon.uk, but not sure about that. Tell you what, though — it makes for

Mountains is great, but I think I'd give the Great Forgotten Prince Song of the 80's Award to Anotherloverholeinyohead.