
Does this lazy shit actually impress you guys in the office or are your readers way dumber than I thought?

,where nothing can possib- lie go wrong. Uh, possibLY go wrong. That's the first thing that's ever gone wrong.

I took it as him saying "Look, you took your shot and you failed. Stop even THINKING about getting the upper hand here. HAVE A CHOCOLATE." It's a consolation prize. Her refusal of acceptance indicating that she would not stop trying to kill him. Its interesting seeing everyone else's interpretations here.

This might be the wrong thread for this question but can any one explain the significance of Margot not taking Mason's chocolate? He mentioned it the very first time we saw him (he had Margot's face against a glass table) and then Hannibal spoke with Margot about it during one of their sessions. I feel I missed a beat

I was also puzzled about the backpack tracker placement. I just assumed I missed something last episode. Can any one shine a light here?

You . . . mother father . . . Chinese dentist!

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.

How else am I supposed to learn that 911 was an inside job? Not to mention all the new ways I've learned to spell "faggots", what with all the extra z's and such.

Unapologetic super-fan of all three Nolan flicks, plot holes and all. I just can't keep a straight face through that line.


Yes you will!

The "last time on Hannibal" this week was SUCH A TEASE. Ugh. I was so excited to see Madam Du Maurier again. She's one of my favorite characters.

Fuller confirmed on Twitter that Chilton is still breathing.