
I've really been enjoying Jack now that he's angry Jack and I'm really excited that he's brought Ashley into his scheme.  Are Jack AND Ashley now going to actually be interesting?  It only took almost two seasons….nice.

"Spoken like a woman no one is sleeping with…" and then those looks! So glad my Ashley is back and able to bare her claws with Victoria.  Loved that scene and the promise of more between the two.

I agree…I sometimes don't get the Shauna hate.  I mean, I do but I don't.  I get that she's VERY broad and not at all a new take on a character type but nothing about this show really is and I think she gets some pretty funny lines and delivers them pretty well.  "Don't look at me like you're teaching me something"

I really loved this episode.  Robin wasn't annoying and had some pretty funny lines, anytime Luther is on screen and talking is a win, everything about Chloe on that picnic, and Mark and June are actually pretty adorable together. Really bums me out to love so much only to know it's all for naught.

What's left for Ashley at this point?  Really, what's the point of her character at all?  I really love her but unless something happens soon, I think she's gonna end up dead soon or something. She just keeps falling, there's never a redemption or a foothold or anything positive.  boo. 

I'm a fan of anyone with Emily…Van camp has such easy chemistry with each of those three guys….I enjoy watching any pair of them together but really enjoyed Aiden and Emily's back and forth plotting at the shooting party.  I really fell for them as a couple this episode.

I'm a fan of anyone with Emily…Van camp has such easy chemistry with each of those three guys….I enjoy watching any pair of them together but really enjoyed Aiden and Emily's back and forth plotting at the shooting party.  I really fell for them as a couple this episode.

That outfit from the shooting scene was amazing and every shape Stowe was pulling was flawless.  That bitch can work her shit out.  Flawless.

That outfit from the shooting scene was amazing and every shape Stowe was pulling was flawless.  That bitch can work her shit out.  Flawless.

Can someone remind me of when Emily got that footage of Ashley and Conrad? Was it last season?

Can someone remind me of when Emily got that footage of Ashley and Conrad? Was it last season?

How many dead or nearly dead bodies will Charlotte Grayson have to stumble upon?  

How many dead or nearly dead bodies will Charlotte Grayson have to stumble upon?  

I don't know how large the overlap is in the Venn Diagram of "Revenge" and "Doctor Who" fans but I'm somewhere in there and that ending of that scene with the shot of Daniel looking straight into the clock/camera and the picture moving around was so absurd and reminded me so strongly of the Justice Department people

I don't know how large the overlap is in the Venn Diagram of "Revenge" and "Doctor Who" fans but I'm somewhere in there and that ending of that scene with the shot of Daniel looking straight into the clock/camera and the picture moving around was so absurd and reminded me so strongly of the Justice Department people

I've been waiting for someone to mention that "Don't look at me like you're teaching me something." as it was the one major laugh out loud moment I had the entire episode.

I've been waiting for someone to mention that "Don't look at me like you're teaching me something." as it was the one major laugh out loud moment I had the entire episode.