
Are these all going to be hour-long episodes or will we get an extra-long finale like The Wire Season 5? The more time hanging out with these folks the better.

Requiem For A Wolverine: Claws To Claws

"Wolverine! What in the HELL are you wearin'?!"
"Jeez! Shut UP Professor X!"
"What's…where's…how do I even begin to describe your pants/pouches situation?!"
"I don't know! How about by shutting up!"
"You couldn't add any more pouches to your pants so you made pouches for your pouches! SAY IT!"
"Jeez! It's the style! Shut


They're switching directors for Pedro Almodovar's Volverine.

EDIT: Comment moved, nothing to see here.

Oh yeah, not to take anything away from that record. Adrenaline from start to finish.

Hooray for the Fastbacks! Glad they're sort of shoehorned in here, I don't know how you fit them in otherwise. Such a wonderful band, Kurt Bloch is the definition of a guitar hero and Lulu Gargiulo and Kim Warnick's sweet and sour vocals give the songs a delightful heart-on-sleeve feel — you can sense that if things

I can see covering Rancid more thoroughly later — wasn't …And Out Come The Wolves the subject of a large bidding war post-Dookie? And it fits in the pop-punk explosion, Ruby Soho and Timebomb were all over the radio.

It is implied Jason named his band Crestfallen after the Cavity album. We're riffing on that being a bad name, @avclub-aff69704b2f32681bc58838e5db10d13:disqus's spot-on depiction suggested a certain kind of logo to me.

Oh man, the 't' in the logo written as a cross and everything.

Fuck yeah Melt-Banana. I've seen them a couple times and there was an uncomfortable dynamic between the singer and the many dudes in the audience who, if not catcalling, were doing that annoying hitting on the pretty girl thing that happens way too much at shows (St. Vincent had to deal with this too from what I

I was extremely drunk by the end of this movie when I watched it, so that might explain why "he is not on any of my lists" didn't get things a bit dusty as well. But yeah, I think there is heart here, an honest enjoyment of ridiculous action (surely the Roadrunner cartoon is not a coincidence) and appreciation of

Man, I'd do quite a lot to prevent 2002 Rollerball from existing.

In retrospect, that Michael Ian Black interview was our Phoenix Memo.

It's Boneitis Week At The AV Club

God, the pause between "fors" moves it from "brilliant' into "pantheon," doesn't it?

And heeeeeeeere come the pretzels!

Rob Reiner?

newswire 2013 sux dick im only 13 but i read the AV Club Blog where the REAL comments are