Atherton! I mean, Thatherton!
Atherton! I mean, Thatherton!
Is this payback for my making fun of Pride and Prejudice geeks yesterday? Because the idea of a horrible Phantom Tollbooth remake with CGI art, let alone art different from Feiffer's, just raised my blood pressure about 40 points.
What baby?
If you have never used "There's a-doins' a-transipirin!" in real life, what the hell are you waiting for? Doins'?
EDIT: Moved, to that lemon-shaped rock over there.
I feel like I'm gonna explode here!
Music, on the other hand, is pretty damn good.
@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus excellent distinctions. To @avclub-7f0d5ceefd00ad8303401bdcf213eb83:disqus 's point, that would be bad if Ennis was writing a Wolverine book, but as a side character who occasionally gets kicked around (and one who has a decades-long streak of being "cool and badass" to…
Thank you for reminding me of that scene with Homer, one of my favorites.
Actually, I meant "Henry Gibson." I'm REALLY confused today.
@avclub-9349e20458f64c9bfb83b5221e145937:disqus you fools! He's the THIRD nipple, there's still one out th-
Son of a bitch, you and @angela_walker:disqus are right! And I don't even have the excuse of being drunk in a dream. I guess they're both big, menacing dudes in 70s California noir? Yeah, that's it…
Sorry, I cannot resist taunting Pride and Prejudice fans with that movie. But hey, I'll give you this: The BBC version is the best visual audiobook ever made.
@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus Am I still allowed to say "Latex doesn't count, get a REAL allergy!" while sadistically slapping rapidly swelling people with medical gloves?
With SeaPR?
I never pictured Sean as John Huston in The Long Goodbye but now it will be impossible to see him as anything but.
It's pretty bad. Not only is it long, it's confusing — it moves through a possessive, a singular and a plural, which looks odd in a band name. But I'm fairly certain Bob Weston does not give a shit what I think. Will check this out later, for now can anyone tell me if Brokaw is shredding, whining or drumming?
Huh? I don't remember Ehle in that. Keira Knightley was delightful, though.
I would switch Richards and McGowan, the latter looks far more pestilential.
I hear that Necro Sub sucks a fat torpedo.