
I thought the whole point of Rex's over the top reaction to Esther's actions was to highlight his own hiprocisy in contacting his father.

I agree with this reading, too. The look on his face when he was heading out shopping - it was like, "Well, sex with me is probably going to suck, if it happens at all at this point, but maybe she'll at least enjoy the blueberries, and that'll be something nice that happens to her today."

It's Danielle's son, a fact that Joe has been successfully hiding from his wife for 10 years.

We've been calling that subplot "Sweet Home Alabama" in my house.

the Hitchcock maxim: you love a guy who's good at his job.
I've run across that Hitchcock quote in two reviews on this site - can anyone source it?

"You'll love a man who's good at his job."
I've run across that Hitchcock quote in two reviews on this site - can anyone source it?

Tig's loyalties
I'm not 100% sold on Tig being completely loyal to Clay; there was a moment in the Jax beatdown where it looked like Tig might not be really fighting back, like he was taking the beating for shooting Opie's wife. And that weight that Clay puts on him - how much longer do you think he can take that,