David C

And this is very different from NPR. Seriously, these WFMU guys get away with so much, and I don't mean that in the shock-jock sense. I mean that they do stuff NPR could never do, what with the government funding and all. Also, its in New Jersey, which is even awesomer.

Or The Kids In The Hall, if your into that sort of thing. After all, movies are expensive, but crushing heads is free.

I second Pennies From Heaven. I know its been referred to a couple times on this site, but another one on this comment won't hurt. See it, internetters!

Still, a perfect movie to watch during an economic downturn. We all may have it bad, but, aw shucks, as long as we can get our hands on some Looney Tunes, life's still pretty swell

A couple of omissions?
No Sullivan's Travels or The Bicycle Thief?

I really love this show, but…
I'm so tired of every fucking latino drug dealer on television being such a goddamn psychopath. Seriously, if Tuco's such a big deal in the drug game, would he really get that fucking insane? I mean, not that it doesn't make sense to the story, but it also comes of as kind of lazy

Full Metal Jacket's a movie I like more every time I see it, although when I first watched it, didn't really "get."

A-? How am I gonna get into a decent grad school with an A-!? I'm filing a grade grievance!

What about that little scene gem, Toy Story? Or the indie flick Aladdin? None of that corperate bullshit like Persepolis and I Married a Strange Person!

I love the use of doubles in this film, which is the most prevalent theme in Hitchcock's work. The inner struggle of the filmmaker between the polished, technical proficiency and the insanity under the skin of the filmmaker is all over Femme Fatale, and lots of Hitchcock, from The Wrong Man to Strangers on a

Big Bill, Little Bill & Mr. Sherbert, that is. Listen much? I don't think you do! Hoo hoo, hee hee hee hee hee hoo!

You Philladummy!
You forgot Philly Boy Roy, munches!

Maybe The Roots, but Fallon?

Man, that's a great picture.
Monkey's make everything funnier. Including Strike-Beard Conan.

Now Exiting The Cone Zone.
I remember staying up till 12:50 every night when I was ten, eleven and twelve, before I was old enough to really throw my sleeping life away, to watch this guy who connected to my sensibility like no other show before it (outside maybe The Simpsons), and now, twelve years later, watching

Ben Linus would like to know…
"You guys got any milk?"

Perfect for the time slot
Who knew that putting a (fairly) subtle comedy like The Office would work so well after the Superbowl? This was like a sweeps episode, spectacular, big guest stars in a way that didn't sacrifice the conceit of the show, an awesome effing fire!!!! EXCLAMATION POINT AND CAP LOCKS!!!

Next For Rourke?
Guest appearance on The View, guest appearance on Entourage, guest vocals on Robot Chicken, guest appearance on Web Show, guest appearance on local public access, mention on Entourage as cautionary tale, end of career.

Keeping Hollywood honest.
This my second favorite award show (Tony's anyone?), mainly because I always agree with the nominations, and these undeserving successes get what's coming to them. Now if only they'd counter-program the Oscars with a live Razzie Broadcast, it'd be an award show I knew and care existed.