Now all we need
is a documentary on John Cage, and I'll be happy.
Now all we need
is a documentary on John Cage, and I'll be happy.
totally agree about the violins
I've tended to hate violins in my non-classical music since its almost always annoying (Dave Matthew's Band, almost any emotional-rock-pop song shameless tugging on heartstrings). I just listened to Oh Deadly Nightshade and all the New Bloods posted myspace music, and I can't wait to…
I have the sudden urge to hire
a high class prostitute.
True, no clever name, if that is your real name, but a lot of these shows are just being released on dvd, and without the luxury of buying a new box set every week and an additional sixty hours a week to watch dvds, its tough to get everything.
Also, I don't know if Journeyman qualifies for lexicon status.
I'm so fucking scared to read this,
or any of the comments. I'm in the middle of a lot of these shows. I'm still on season one of Veronica Mars (which I bought a couple weeks ago), and the spoiler factor here seems pretty high. WHY AV CLUB! WHY!
A great future cult classic:
Lady L.
I said, Lady L, let your soul be free. You closed your eyes and you wouldn't see. The only one who could ease your pain was me.
At first, I wasn't really sure how I felt about the ending. Is it going down the whole, "knowledge is dangerous" route of the Da Vinci Code? Is the message of this film to just enjoy life? Is he saying not to seek answers? If that were it, I'd reject it, but I do think Aronofsky is more complicated than that. True,…
I love this film
I love the natural influences into Max's world. His beautiful neighbor offers him the natural pleasure of sex (which infects his world while she fucks her boyfriend against the wall, the moaning seeping into his room). His computer is being infected with ants, which he's clearly annoyed by. Sol…
I retract my original statement. You're right Lewis52, that's an absolutely amazing film. In a Jewish household, I never really connected to A Christmas Story, so The Sandlot was my A Christmas Story - only way better.
Best baseball movie of all time
is still Bull Durham. May even be the best sports movie ever made…other than Space Jam-CLASSIC!!
This is the only half decent golf series.
Seriously, Tiger Woods is too much of an insane siimulator (i don't want reality in my video games-usually) and Mario Golf is just too damn easy. Excellent Review. Now if only I had a PS3.
And not even that, but I think the influence B&C had on influential films (not shitty timewasters like Domino) is being a bit understated here.
This preview looked so cliche,
and yet after I watched it, I still wanted to see it.
NBK may have influenced shit like Domino and… can't think of anything else, but it didn't completely turn around American film. And I certainly wouldn't reward it for creating those kind of migraine headaches people call film-Smokin Aces might have been another one.
I get what your saying,
but is Natural Born Killers deserving of being in the same sentence as Bonnie and Clyde? I think NBK was more a media critique than a straight-up crime thriller. I'm not a NBK hater, but its not exactly Bonnie and Clyde, nor did it have the impact that B&C has to this day. Nobody credits NBK…
to say that I want to get this album. Love Cave. In a freshman college lit class, we actually had to listen to his lecture on the love song, so its fair to say that even his unnuanced stuff is still more literate than other musicians best work.
Is this game
available for macs anywhere?
I know its mentioned week after week, but
what about Luanne and her baby? And even if there is consistency I'm missing, I'd still like to see another one of her plots. Some of my favorite episodes have been her foiled with Hanks mortification. I'm just saying