Solid Squirrel

You sound like you're projecting.
We're done here.

This isn't about me. Never was. It's an open opinion, certainly not exclusively mine.
And we're not getting into a conversation about assisted suicide. That's not what this debate is about.

Godwin's Law? You went there that quick?
I mean, come on!

Why though is it imperative to try and be negative about it? I understand the possibility of paralyzing fear over the smallest of changes, but there's always the possibility of a good experience from something new, whereas remaining in a pattern of routine only offers constant negativity. I also further understand

Because living with any new experience is damn well better than the alternative.
Your opinion is most assuredly wrong, but I respect what you're saying.

To be fair, any teen boy watching Dream On was there for one thing every week: guaranteed naked women. Even as I sat there transfixed on Brian Benben's latest conquest, I found it hard to believe a shlub like him could get so much tail.
That being said, I loved the intercutting of the old film/tv clips as his inner

But you're missing the point: it doesn't require money to get out and try something altogether new.

It doesn't have to be a trip to Paraguay or spelunking—heck, I find new things in my town that make me go "golly, do I really want to move away from here? This city's got a lot to offer me".
Point is, change in routine is the key issue here. Even if that means getting up on the other side of the bed, wearing a color


Oh god no, I'm not trying to marginalize physical pain or trauma either, simply that those two can hinder the idea of exploration out of physical limits (but there are plenty of things to experience without needing to climb a mountain per se). And I most certainly would never take the opinion of "get over it already".

16 bathrooms? What the heck—one for each side of every bed?

You hit the nail on the head. While I myself am not suicidal, I've always felt like those that take their own life based on depression rather than some debilitating physically-caused pain or trauma were missing out on all the wonderful things on this planet they could go explore, find, experience or absorb, and you

"Little stars and comets—It's all about the information Phil!"

My Socrates Note?

More than 101 people, you mean?

It's too bad the review didn't acknowledge the noisemaker either; I too found it a spot of fun. Seeing as how Triplett was standing there at the end in the hero team pose, he'll be back (thankfully too—he adds some levity to the group, unlike Agent Stoic Stoneface).

Way too much fun in this episode to relegate it to a simple B. Sure, the deus ex machina of Fury was a bit much (especially in terms of Fitz/Simmon's rescue) but the banter between him and Fury was pretty much true to character, especially if you've been following their relationship in the comics. May and Agent

The fun thing he doesn't know though is the gun was named after him post-Avengers: Coulson's Revenge.

But she was so messed up—even moreso than Jack really. It was heartbreaking to see Red go like that.

I hope that mattress got marked down on clearance after Kim's friend was done riding the baloney pony.