
Say what you will about Nardwuar the Napkin, but his interviews are definitely unique.

I believe a recent Cracked article made the exact same recommendation.

Apparently he's not, but his girlfriend is; it essentially adds up to the same thing, and kind of takes the wind out of the thug sails.

Saga isn't for everyone. I haven't read it, but I hear the current Red Sonja title is pretty damn good.

It is the weakest in the series, not only because it removes several of the most interesting POV characters but also because so many of the POV characters it does have are given little to do. I'm fond of the Arya and Jaime chapters, and I even like the Sam and Sansa chapters, but the Cersei chapters just made me hate

Yeah, this is my issue with it, as well; I'm looking at it and wondering how many people think it's great because they remember reading it in the '90s and loving it as teenagers, vs. how many people are actually enjoying it today. Cyberpunk just isn't my cup of tea anymore, not that it ever really was.

Hating Cersei is never easier than in the 4th book.

John Dies at the End is on my to-read list, as I've heard good things about it. I keep getting recommended Snow Crash, but I have the feeling I'm not gonna like it.

A friend of mine asked me how good I Am Legend could possibly be, as he's seen all of the films based on it. I told him to go read it and see for himself, and he came back from the experience very angry that no one had ever filmed the story as written.

Wow, a ton of people are reading A Feast for Crows. I hope you enjoy it.

Having just read the entirety of the Old Man's War series (short stories and all), I'm looking at reading Redshirts eventually because I hear it's just awesome.

Reading the books to keep from spoiling the series is a smart move, not only to protect your flank but because certain events and acts will suddenly make a lot more sense.

Partially that's because at Level 1 you are only expected to have so much life experience. It doesn't make a lot of sense to play a Level 1 veteran, for example. Game mechanics are weird.

A Feast for Crows is the shortest book in the series, iirc, but also the least rewarding. A lot of people hate it because it cuts out half of the POV characters (many of whom are favorites) and introduces new POV characters who aren't as interesting, but I really enjoyed it. Hopefully you feel the same.

So are you on the A Feast for Crows-hating bandwagon, or did you actually enjoy the book?

If I hadn't read I Am Legend within the last couple of years, I'd be considering a re-read myself. What a fantastic story.

I've read so many Bradbury short stories in various collections that I really ought to make a point of just going after his work directly myself.

The re-reads I did in the past were worth it, and I did a full re-read when Towers of Midnight came out and really enjoyed it. The books really do fly by when you're not waiting years in-between.

I just convinced a buddy of mine to read the full series; he stopped at The Silver Spike years ago and never quite kept on. Amusingly, he's the one who initially recommended the series to me, oh so many years ago.

I read A Memory of Light a few months ago. I felt it was a decent ending to the series, but not itself a good book, and while I thought Sanderson did a pretty damn good job with the prior two books, I didn't think this was really his greatest work.