
Tim Meadows' Most Beloved SNL Character
I think we all know it was Dr. Poop.

The second one has that great crazy roadie character in it, which was rad.

About What I'd Guess
It sounds interesting and amusing, and I was hoping it would be. I may have to pick this one up.

I saw them once, but my frame of reference is off. Mostly I just want them to be a band again — the show itself is inconsequential.

For Me…
…it'll always be Failure.

This is a good thing. I loved Bloom County.

My general misanthropy and century-out-of-date taste in music also play roles in this decision.

More Reasons…
…not to bother going to shows anymore. Damn you, Ticketbastard!

Live Nation is a Coy Minx
Ugh. I've essentially stopped going to concerts because of the hassle, and this… this is just more hassle.

Hey, that's not all we get — some of us get Top Gear, too. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May are the Three Musketeers of driving.

Yeah, it was something about the repeat comments regarding Toby Young's terrible one-liners that got me on this track. Even knowing I typed that out makes my fingers sting a little.

What's the point in worrying about how I feel at all? I continue to watch the show regardless of what I think of Jane Krakowski, and I haven't been asked to fill out any polls as to whether or not I hate Jenna, so my opinion on the subject isn't likely to affect the future of 30 Rock. I'm tired of Jenna and feel like

Dammit, Hannibal…
…I know you didn't put me on no airplane!

You can't book Anthony Bourdain. He takes… no reservations.

I think my "yes" answer was implied.

I already knew…
…I'd be watching this. But Rashida Jones and Aziz Ansari seal it for me.

Is this going to be like that time Sylvester Stallone decided he wanted to box his Rocky trainer for real, and ended up getting beaten to a pulp?

This should only add to the surreal feeling cruises create, where at first everything seems relaxing and cool, but ultimately is revealed to be completely fake and manufactured, leaving you with a sort of awkward, discomfited feeling.

Silver Jews
I thought this was some sort of weird monster or golem or something.

"Jane Krakowski sucks the funny out of scenes"