
"How's it going, Mr. Peterson?" sounds like the set up for a dick joke that maybe was a little too blue for that time period.

It's intentional and it's awesome.

If you personally find the use of 'queer' in self-reference to be such a negative thing then how could you presume to know a person's motivation for actually wanting to identify as queer?

Having watched the premiere I think there is room for an insightful show to develop, even an intersectional discussion, on how sex is treated in music (namely the extent to which we are comfortable hypersexualizing one type of relationship but not others). In fact when I saw the ads I thought that was kind of

Her father was a human and her mother was a mole/beaver hybrid.

Most of the characters don't seem to have a problem telling him to his face how much he sucks.

That was obviously a part of the message but I thought the whole point of the episode was that white fear of black violence leads to violence against black people leads to black anger leads to white fear of black violence in perpetuity.  In essence, the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin shooting only set the stage for

Even though your heart is probably in the right place, a person's weight is their own personal health problem and it isn't really your place to be dishing out advice unless they request it.  And I mean this in the sense of "If you care about your friends and actually want to give advice in a context where they'll

Exactly, forward progress is as much a part of the blueprint of the show as anything but it's also the first thing to go when you don't take any risks with new territory.  Incidentally my favorite episodes this season have been pretty out there conceptually, partially because old gags are much more enjoyable when

Edit: Nevermind, thought you were replying to a different comment of mine.

It seems to me like the writers were so fearful of being accused of changing the show that they forgot that shows fundamentally must change to include new things if they are to maintain the quality of prior seasons.  Personally I can't blame them as they were bound to take heat no matter what direction they went in

You're going to make me start calling Roxxxy Bobby now.

Agreed, I thought she wasn't really going to own up to anything after all of her retweets last night but she did.  I can't stay mad at someone who gets carried away on a high pressure competition as long as they actually own up to their behavior.

This is true, I'm not calling Roxxxy a bad person.  But there are certainly some things she could own up to saying while she points out some of the obvious edits on her Twitter feed.  "Yeah, I wasn't that bad but I was kind of mean to Jinkx.  Sorry, the stress builds up!"  That's a totally fine apology to me, not

That's the thing, I don't even think Detox did poorly.  Jinkx was just so good that nothing Detox tried could grab the attention of the judges.

Exactly, she's been on the hot seat a couple of times and the ire of another queen could have sent her spiraling one of those weeks.  She just got to do her thing and not let anyone get into her head like has happened so many queens this season.

Yeah that's the thing, I can see some of the things she was complaining about on Twitter but the bitch edit only goes so far.  You gotta give them something to work with.

Alaska has played the game really well.  The only lip sync she'll have to do is the one that matters the least in terms of impact on the outcome of an episode.  She's managed to fly under the radar by letting the cattier members of Rolaskatox get into feuds and seems way more in line to actually snatch the crown from

The editing probably made it look like a bigger gap than it was but Jinkx pretty much kicked Detox down a flight of stairs with that lip sync.  The only thing that might have made it more lopsided would be a Broadway number.

He got a video on how to eliminate allergies from Jack Donaghy.