
Haha, your description of Tio made me a-laugh.

Not his boyfriend. He's got kids.

Because Disqus fucking sucks I cannot be bothered to scroll further down, so I don't know if people have mentioned this. But the grade shows an A now.

Future wow

*future whoa*

Every time Hank discusses the case with Walt - when he's close to the truth - Walt acts just like my friend who has Asperger's. Showing utter disdain for everything Hank says, awkwardly looking away, trying to look disinterested. HEY WALT, WHAT ARE YOU HIDING??! It's so obvious.

I like your post. Can't get my head around this sentence, though. "Otherwise, he wouldn't of betrayed Gus for Jesse by killing those two dealers, and he wouldn't of murdered Gale."
Wouldn't *OF*??!!? Why do people even write this?

Can you please repeat that, I didn't quite catch it the first three times.