
I'd think a great commander would have gotten that giant some kind of weapon before the battle.

Yes, it's true, Larry & Polly come back as vampires and kill all the prisoners.

The world lost another magician.

"Judy’s debut in the season three finale is so brief and casual, it doesn’t seem like she’ll play a huge part of season four."

Yep, and she still gets her butt kicked by an unarmed teenage girl when she is armed with a staff.

The question everyone is dying to have answered…did she go bowling with Larry?

Banning the DH is a silly take that 100% of sportswriters have.

He has a voice for print.

It's probably not going to be good, but it fooled a lot of people who went to see Jurassic World, so I assume it will work here too.

Death Wish 12

People thought Gale was alive in BB.

I always assumed someone glued these things together.

So, it seems pretty obvious now that Bran is going to do the same thing to the mad king he did to Hodor, but while controlling Drogon, right?

I can't wait for Nymeria to come back for thirty seconds and then get easily killed by a nameless soldier off screen.

"Oh, I was wrong"

You can't get a good racial tension outside of New York. Something about the upper crust.

I would like to see more LGBT representation in breakfast cereals.

The Aniston storyline sounds like a ripoff of Stepmom, starring Julia Roberts.

I wrote home about Extras.

"Life's Too Short" is definitely the turd in the punchbowl here.