
Such a waste—of production, of time and energy, of space, of money…a bunch of junk with little or no significance

No, but you will have to watch 40% more commercials.

I can't wait until they explain to viewers that they are watching the shows wrong.

You didn't forget to say away.

I don't think the poodle lady broke down and did anything. You assumed she was racist for no real reason.

To me, the "poodle lady" thread was meant to show prejudice from the other side and that they were taking ownership of their new home. This lady is just walking her dogs, and dogs pee on front yards. Since these folks have never had a yard, they were overly defensive. It's not like she was leaving big piles out there,

A couple of the actors really look like the real person.

If this were fiction, I would suspect that they had a few drunken rendezvous, but that Nick didn't care about them at all (it wasn't politics) and didn't make any connection when asked about the hotel with no context.

I'm guessing they spent a long time deciding how to word the blurb about his wife.

If they did Silence of the Lambs, I'm guessing ol' Bloomy's uppance was coming.

Go to a nice city neighborhood. The lots are 40' wide rather than 120'.

Look at those idiots pronouncing "Germany" Doychland or sumsuch.

Seychelles is one of my favorites, as is Botswana. My favorite was Libya, because staking out a whole color is pretty badass, but that's all changed.

Pretty, pretty, pretty good.

There's a worse subcategory, all those ones that have their state seal on a blue background with the name of their state in block letters.

He took this little message board and smashed it to pieces.

There is a difference between knowing that 3 x 4 = 12 and knowing how to multiply 3 x 4. If your teacher told you that 3 x 4 = potato salad, what would 3 x 5 equal?

Must have been born after the development of mp3 player recorders.

Nothing like intentionally arguing semantics to pass the time.

Also, people buying their way in to being famous entertainers!