
Trayvon Martin, according to Florida.

I don't think you can have a two-night series premiere.

I can't think of Ocean Spray now without thinking about that John Oliver segment.

Psh, Bobby Draper puts them both to shame.

Christine O'Donnell?

The ball has to be touched intentionally for it to be illegal touching.

The only quote I read above says that the compensation is the reason.

Why would you not judge someone for their religious beliefs?

Wade was ten times the player Irving is.

Finally! I've been waiting for someone to look into the culture of yogurt .

Given that he has the old rules of boxing named after him, I think that's a given.

The Bears successfully did that play a ways back, during the Devin Hester craze of yore.

It's mostly due to the fact that those Colts teams were pretty weak aside from Manning and a couple of good pass rushers. People want to talk about how great his receivers were, but none of them could get open against good teams in the playoffs.

Why are we imagining something that we can taste for ourselves?

My favourite part of the episode was Fara following the kid who would recognize her face in a country where she could inconspicously cover her face without doing so.

No Air Bud, no dice.

Technically, cannons are not horns.

They can't draft worth shit, and keep giving up all their veterans for draft picks. Simple formula for a slow decline around a star.

I could see Omar Infante hitting two grand slams. It's going to come down to luck, just like every baseball postseason ever.
