
Possibly most honorable of the dishonorable, but they've developed more than a few angels on the show that are clearly more "honorable."

I'm not going to watch this season, but I must know, has Linden's phone gone off at an inopportune moment with hilarious results yet this season?

Can't a guy just have a burning hatred for the people he used to work with?

There can be only one Clancy Brown.

I'm sure he also said "bin lid" rather than "tin lid."

Why would the NFL care about it's core audience when picking a halftime act? I've never heard an NFL fan say they won't watch the Super Bowl because of the halftime show. In fact, I've never heard anyone say they won't watch the Super Bowl. Even recent immigrants watch the thing.

I wasn't totally paying attention, but it seemed to me as though the veep was spouting Fox News rhetoric about getting the government out of our living rooms.

That's all well and good, but a very, very small percentage of the people reading this review have any clue what he's writing about if he references it.

It's a completely empty threat on the part of the CIA. He's a potential asset, and they are going to out him, making him completely useless to everyone? Not going to happen, and he knew it.

Did anyone actually watch Rubicon? I keep seeing references to this show thrown into reviews as though it's this ubiquitous show that everyone knows everything about. I know some people really go into it, but damn, it's like referencing scenes from John From Cincinnati over and over again.

You're the dick, Sean.

I agree, he should have been reading a chain email stating that Walker's wife had once dealt with ACORN in some way.

He was going to secretly steer his son towards British English. Imagine the look on Brody's face when his prize student spells color with a "u!" All his work, ruined. He'd surely be a broken man and ready to kill Justin Beiber (I assume that's where we're heading).

My crazy theory…Walker is going to assassinate…Brody! That way, Abu-Nazir gets to score some war points, and Brody gets 72 virgins. Win-win!

Fair enough, I was completely wrong about the bible quote. Not being a bible man myself, I jumped the gun on that.

This doesn't seem to be a great show, but Nuge, are you even paying attention when it's on? Isn't that what they are paying you for? Were you watching this while folding laundry?

That's what they name every child before their parents name them in the hospital.

Kornelia Ender?

With a hat!

Most of them? How long do you think it takes to get a PhD? Twenty years?