
It's a different universe, stupid!
The references to differences in pop culture are really starting to fall flat for me. We get it, every single piece of entertainment is different in some inconsequential way, even though technology is much more advanced, and zeppelins are commonly used for air travel.

One tweet can definitely change the world, if it's from THEM.

Why isn't Creed in the band?
All we want to see is Creed shredding.

Some of you have never seen the motley crew that is the roster of a youth sports team, have you?

They should have had Aaron Paul drive that Winnebago.

I'd give it an H.

I figured he was just bolting to bring the box to the rest of the morlocks.

It seems pretty stupid on Fringe's part to even try to use Brown Eyed Girl. Why not really go for the moon and pick Hey Jude.

Of course they do. They are run by the morons that got them into the mess in the first place.

I think that it was difficult to air condition a baseball stadium back in the 60s.

Brought to you by Cisco, the Human Network.

Next Mad Men Time Jump…2011!
Don and SCDP are hired to promote the next match at the Thunderdome. Bobby Draper vs. Mad Max!

It was sad to see that being a Lieutenant in the Navy can't get you any higher than security guard on a cruise ship, twenty years after the fact.

They changed the intro. Morrison is not in them. Wilde is.

That was the previous day.

I think she'll try to, but Roger won't allow it. He was mugged by a black guy!

Joan's husband ain't dying. He's the only character going to Vietnam. He's coming back with severe PTSD.

It was the end of the day. Peggy & Co. were waiting in the conference room ready to go home by the time Don arrived.

I would agree that this wasn't anything special. It felt a lot like things we've seen before, and the fancy camerawork seemed tacked on. A show about a gangster with a heart of gold isn't going to do it for me.

The alligator eats the bigger value.