
However, there is a perfect recipe for apple pie: just add dick.

And whatever you do, don't let Poppy sit on your couch!

And whatever you do, don't let Poppy sit on your couch!

You weren't in Nam, TVDW! I was up to my knees in rice paddies, with guns that didn't work! Going in there, looking for Charlie, slugging it out with him; While pussies like you were back here partying, putting headbands on, doing drugs, and listening to the goddamn Beatle albums! Oh! Oh! Oh!

And some shit "Crystal" bands too:
Crystal Pain

And some shit "Crystal" bands too:
Crystal Pain

Metal bands with "Castle" in the name who suck about equally to this one:

Metal bands with "Castle" in the name who suck about equally to this one:

What type of farm animal is this Twitter, and what is the organic make up of its feed? Genetically altered corn and petroleum bi-products?

What type of farm animal is this Twitter, and what is the organic make up of its feed? Genetically altered corn and petroleum bi-products?

Senor, eet ees deefeecult for hwee Mexicans to pronounce the CH.

Senor, eet ees deefeecult for hwee Mexicans to pronounce the CH.

Deities with God in their name that suck less than this band:

Deities with God in their name that suck less than this band:

Your point?

Your point?

Something like this?

Something like this?

GAPES OF WRATH starring Alicia Klass ; dir. Seymour Butts

Yes, but Jerome Bettis symbolizes the bus.