Alex Meyers

I'd join the Avengers for a punch in the face. Maybe from Hawkguy definitely not the Hulk.

You know things are bad in America when they have to go to ENGLAND to cast manly superheroes.

You know things are bad in America when they have to go to ENGLAND to cast manly superheroes.

I think Teddy is unique on TV. We don't see many kids as dopey and dull as Teddy. No wonder he's a firebug, he's got to compete for attention with his super cute lil sister.

I think Teddy is unique on TV. We don't see many kids as dopey and dull as Teddy. No wonder he's a firebug, he's got to compete for attention with his super cute lil sister.

Gillian gives me the heeby jeebies, and NOT in the good way.

Gillian gives me the heeby jeebies, and NOT in the good way.

After Sigrid clocks the fed with her frying pan and then they decide to finish the job I just thought "Are you KIDDING me?!"  That was absurd. He wasn't there to pursue Van Alden or connect him in anyway to Atlantic City, the guys just wanted a refund for his lemon clothes iron. They could have just said "please sir,

After Sigrid clocks the fed with her frying pan and then they decide to finish the job I just thought "Are you KIDDING me?!"  That was absurd. He wasn't there to pursue Van Alden or connect him in anyway to Atlantic City, the guys just wanted a refund for his lemon clothes iron. They could have just said "please sir,

He's SMOKING the DRUGS?!? Won't somebody PLEASE think of the CHILDREN?!

This show is sooo good. I would be happy watching it on mute, the sets are great the cinematography is great, the costumes are gorgeous.

I've just started watched the first 5 episodes of Girls over the past 3 days. I am really enjoying it. The conflicts are simple and believable. I think Shoshanna and Adam are my two favourite characters.